Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Time that Family Moved-On?

I recently checked out the MySpace profiles of convicted murder Harlow Cuadra's mother Gladis Zaldivar, older brother Jose Cuadra, and younger brother David, the latter of whom is now using the same last name as his mother. Jose looks like he's trying to be a ladies man - while David makes veiled threats about people 'fucking' with his family, meanwhile... Gladis barely makes a peep. Surprisingly - none of them appear to be on facebook... at least not publicly.

Is the era of "Free the Wrongly Accused" finally over?

Monday, September 12, 2011

Editing Underway...

We continue to take steps toward the final product. Editing with the publisher and legal counsel is underway now. Won't be long until a proof copy is in the author's hands and February release is here before you know it!