Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Records Finally Filed...

While they were due back on March 19, 2010... Harlow Cuadra's Brief and Reproduced Record has finally been filed... yesterday, March 29, 2010.

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is expected to file their Brief by April 28, 2010.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Today's Civil Hearing...

As reported on March 15, 2010... there was a  hearing today, regarding the civil case that Michael Kocis filed against Harlow Cuadra and Joseph Kerekes on behalf of Bryan Kocis' estate.

Sources tell me that the hearing only lasted about 15 minutes, and that Harlow Cuadra and Joseph Kerekes appeared via video, both wearing brown prison jumpsuits with white t-shirts underneath.

Joe is now sporting a shaved head, while Harlow pretty-much still looks the same.

A bench trial for determination of what the two owe the Kocis family will be sometime after April... possibly June. The trial is expected to last two days. Joseph Kerekes and Harlow Cuadra will once again appear via video for the trial, as Joe asked that he not be transported, and Cuadra agreed.

Both indicated that they will not be obtaining counsel and will be representing themselves. Harlow stated that he has "no assets" to obtain a lawyer.

Friday, March 19, 2010

To Appeal... or Not to Appeal...

... that is the question.

While this story is still somewhat preliminary...

Convicted murder Harlow Cuarda's attorney Demetrius Fannick was scheduled to file the long awaited Brief and Reproduced Record today... it would appear that this didn't happen... again.

The Superior Court of Pennsylvania specifically stated the last time it approved a request from Fannick for an extension, that "No further extensions will be granted".

If Fannick didn't file the paperwork today, will the Superior Court throw out Harlow's appeal... is Fannick planning to quit?

Guess we'll see... who knows... this could be nothing at all.

Meanwhile, both Harlow Cuadra and Joseph Kerekes have a court date next week in regards to the Civil Case brought by Micheal Kocis.

Update @ 03/22/2010: After reviewing the court's docket again today... there's still no mention of there being a filing. I'm hoping to have an 'official word' confirming this in the morning, and am also working on trying to figure out what's exactly going on.

Update @ 03/23/2010: I'm told that Fannick didn't file anything in Luzerne County, but he doesn't really have to, he can file directly with the Superior Court. Thus far... the Superior Court is still not showing a filing. So the mystery continues...

Update @ 03/24/2010: Still nothing from the Superior Court... so unless something happens tomorrow, we probably won't hear from Harlow Cuadra and/or Joseph Kerekes until Friday... and who know's when we'll hear from Fannick.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Civil Case... Redux

Sources tell me that there will be a hearing on March 26, 2010 before Judge William Amesbury, regarding the civil case Michael Kocis filed against Harlow Cuadra and Joseph Kerekes on behalf of Bryan Kocis' estate.

I'm not exactly sure what it'll be about, but I suspect that it will be to determine what payment Harlow Cuadra and Joseph Kerekes owe the Kocis family.

Michael Kocis’ suit, filed in Luzerne County Court of Common Pleas in January 2008, claimed Cuadra and Kerekes entered Bryan Kocis’ home and “jointly” or “separately” caused Bryan Kocis’ death and destroyed the home and property.

Neither responded to the suit, which led to a default judgment.

Harlow and Joe will both appear for the hearing via video.

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Book Deal is Done!

The book contract is now official as all parties have signed, sealed and delivered. So without further adieu, I'm happy to announce that the book deal is with Alyson Books, a division of Here Media, Inc. Additional information will be provided in the near future.

On an ironic note... this signing happened exactly 1 year from the date of Harlow Cuadra being found guilty by a Luzerne County Jury.

No... it wasn't planned.

Meanwhile... you can also read more information about the Book and it's Authors' here.

Update @ 03/17/2010: Just wanted to give everyone a quick update that the book now appears to be released sometime between Fall 2010 and Spring 2011. We'll be doing an official post shortly.

I just got word about this from the publisher yesterday.

Apparently they had to redo the fall 2010 list in order to accommodate the production budget, which means some books that were planned for release later this year will move to the following spring, 2011.

Perhaps we can get it released in March, wouldn't that be a hoot for timing (again).

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Voice from a Former Boy Batter Employee...

Here's a recent correspondence between me and Andrew Shunk (former Boy Batter model aka Mason Banks and Prosecution Witness), after a request to be 'friends' on Facebook:

Andrew Shunk March 9 at 8:39pm
so you're on of the asshole's that put people's names out to the public and wrote about them being confidential witnesses for everyone to read. You're the one who continually to call everyone out and made people's real names available and now I have to deal with wierdo stalkers! Oh thank you so much. I hope your enjoy your "enormous" wealth off of other peoples' past that they try to forget.

PC March 9 at 8:43pm
I only wrote about things that were public information. I'm certainly sorry you feel the way you do.

A "stalker" I'm not.

PC March 9 at 8:46pm
Take care, and I apologize for any offense taken.

Andrew Shunk March 9 at 8:48pm
anyone who spends their life doing nothing but following a pointless trial, calling out the gay porn stars and then thinking that they would friend you on facebook is def a stalker.

PC March 9 at 8:53pm
As I said before... I apologize if any offense was taken.

I wish you the best in your endeavours.

PC March 10 at 9:00pm
You testified at a public trial, and expected no one to ever write, talk or know about that? Get real. Your photo makes it look like you're still in the business, as it were.

Andrew Shunk March 10 at 9:08pm
you're right. i did expect old male perverts who never came out as a young adult and now expect young guys to believe their story that they will be a successful author by recording events of a gay porn murder into a book that no one is going to read, in hopes of getting them in bed. good luck. this conversation was ended yesterday...didn't realize it kept you stewing all day :-)

PC March 10 at 9:20pm
Ha... I have no interest in having you in bed. I saw you in the Best Western Genetti while I was having dinner with Renee Martin... (July a few years back). I have the trial transcripts... that's good enough.

I'll quote a response from someone that I shared this report with earlier:

"Most likely wants to put this part of his life behind him when it makes him look bad, but probably revels in the attention it gets him from people he likes. Love his automatic agism: Everyone but him is an old pervert who wants to bed him. I'm not old. I'm not a pervert. And I have no interest in bedding him.

In the end, what HE knows about writing and publishing a book would fill half a thimble. If he's naive and dumb enough to think this story does not have interest -- and that anyone who is interested in the story is just some mean pervert -- he needs to go home and take a nap while the big kids play."

PC Notes: It appears as if Mr. Shunk has since removed his photo and profile from Facebook.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Book Contract

The book contract was mutually agreed upon earlier this week, so now we're just waiting to receive the final version from the publisher for signing. I envision this to be completed sometime next week.

More details to be announced soon... including the Title, Publisher, Pre-sale Date, Facebook Fan Page, etc...

Update @ 03/08/2010: The contract was received in today's mail for signing... we're getting closer :). Do I hear the 'pop' of some bubbly? The next step will be cover design and artwork.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Delay Game Continues...

Harlow Cuadra's paid attorney... Demetrius Fannick... filed yet another application yesterday for an extension of time to file the brief and reproduced record for Harlow's appeal. I'll update this post once the Superior Court gives an answer.

Update @ 2:53 PM: The Court once again approved Demetrius Fannick's extension request, and moved the due date to March 19, 2010. They also added the following comment: No further extensions will be granted. Looks like Mr. Fannick is actually going to have to produce something this time or else... that is unless he decides to quit.