Monday, August 3, 2009

PPO Gives More Time...

Judge Peter Paul Olszewski filed an order today, allowing the Commonwealth another 14 days to file their response to Harlow Cuadra's statement of errors complained of on appeal.

Originally, the Commonwealth filed for an enlargement of time back in May, citing that they had "not received a transcript of the trial testimony and cannot adequately address the Defendent's claims without reviewing the transcript of the evidence that was presented at trial".

The transcripts (Volume's 1 & 2 - Commencing on 02-24-09 and Concluding 03-12-09; 656 pages) where filed on 06/16/2009.


  1. So what is that old saying about the wheels of justice grinding slowly? :)

  2. It's kind of a role reversal. This time it's not the defense that's dragging things out.

  3. Not really, remember the c\w is NOT required to file a response but only requested for file a response and in 2 weeks STILL may not file a response.

  4. This thing will go on for a while... trust me. :)

  5. "So what is that old saying about the wheels of justice grinding slowly? :)"

    I think the origin of that was Longfellow: "Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small..."

    I'm not so sure these wheels are doing much of anything, though. ;-)

  6. Not really, remember the c\w is NOT required to file a response but only requested for file a response and in 2 weeks STILL may not file a response.

    You seem to be defending the court in ways that are not always understandable to me. Do you work there?

    Also, what or who is c/w?

  7. Pizza, I believe c/w is Commonwealth.

  8. Thanks, Will.

    Although Massachusetts is also a commonweath, I've never seen that abbreviation.

    Now the question is, what does c/w refer to... the judge? the district attorney? the Luzerne clerk's office? All three?
