Monday, June 28, 2010

Kocis Civil Suit... Dates Set

The Kocis family's wrongfull death suit against convicted murders Harlow Cuadra and Joseph Kerekes is scheduled for October 7 and 8 at 9:30 a.m., before Judge William Amesbury. Both Harlow and Joe will appear via video from their respective prisons.


  1. A civil trial seems pointless as neither defendant has a dime and is highly unlikely to have anything for the rest of thier lives, short of writing a best seller.
    The only benifit could be satisfaction to the family.

  2. ensuring that any financial gain, books, movies, whatever do not go to either of them is the point.

  3. are they really broke? just found out that boybatter DVDs are still being sold! smebody must be getting that $$$ hope the Kocis family know about it & can trace it!

  4. "ken said...
    ensuring that any financial gain, books, movies, whatever do not go to either of them is the point.

    To the best of my knowledge, they can not profit from any sales that pertain to the murder and/or their incarceration.

  5. Here's a good link covering the issue.

  6. That DVDs are still available is not surprising. I only wonder whether the DVDs are still being burned under the original contract or are they are pirated.
    If the DVD is under contract, the Kocis family may have a claim.

  7. Joe and Harlow have always been broke. We only have their word for it that they ever owned or controlled boybatter or any other business enterprise. The fact that boybatter dvds may still be for sale does not mean that J&H produced or own or control the rights to them.

  8. That CANNOT profit from.their crime..AND Harlow WILL appear LIVE and IN PERSON for the hearing....Joe will appear by video...Harlow is in SCI Coal Township...they will not tie up the video for two days.. Joe will appear by video for the hearing....he is at SCI Huntingdon....he does have the right to appear live amd if requested....should be granted....don't think there will be tons of people in the courtroom as it is extremely small...not ANYTHING like the courtroom where the criminal trial was held...we will see what happens.


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