Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter! Quick Update...

Currently working on book cover designs... doing author photos shortly.


  1. Once the cover is agreed upon... I'll be sure to post it. :)

  2. Any update on publication date?

  3. The cover currently shown on Amazon, etc... is a placeholder; they have to have something when the book is announced, so having the cover that's up there is better than a blank space. We're still working on the final version.

  4. "mrrobato said...
    Any update on publication date?

    To be announced shortly. :)

  5. The publisher's website says the publication date is February 2012. I hope that's wrong, I don't want to wait another 10 months!

  6. "will g said...
    The publisher's website says the publication date is February 2012. I hope that's wrong, I don't want to wait another 10 months!


    Until thing's are formally announced here... I wouldn't give it much worry. :)


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