Monday, October 3, 2011

You've got to be kidding... Harlow fans still exist?

A post on our facebook page from a Harlow fan:

"Aimee Allen: But from your blog, it's almost as if you enjoy him suffering and think he got what he deserved. THAT is what I am asking you to stop doing. Have compassion. Please stop celebrating a victims pain."

My response to Aimee: "Aimee, this is PC, the blog administrator/author. While I can certainly understand your personal concerns, let's be honest. The only true victim in this case was Bryan Kocis. A jury found Harlow Cuadra guilty, and his appeals have since been denied by 2 state courts. I have never 'celebrated' Bryan's death, or the pain that his family must still endure. What I've read from the trial transcripts, doing juror interviews, etc... until the Supreme Court over-turns the verdict... yes, I think Harlow got what he deserved... he's a victim of his own greed and stupidity."

1 comment:

  1. Victim? I was under the impression Brian was the victim. Obviously i was mistaken!


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